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Salamander Springs Farm
Monthly Farm Tour
A Great Way to Begin Your Learning Journey

Salamander Springs Farm tours are offered on the 2nd Saturday of each month from April to November starting at 2 p.m., unless otherwise specified. Tours typically last 2 1/2 hours.

Farm Tour Fees


  • Adults are $12 each

  • Young people aged 11-17 are $6 each 

  • Children under 10 years are free 

  • Groups of 6 or more are $10 per person 

2025 Farm Tour Dates!

April 12, 2 p.m.

May 10,  2 p.m.

June 7**

July 12, 2 p.m 

August 9, 2 p.m.

September 13**

October 11, 2 p.m.

November 8, 1 p.m.  

** special event or workshop tour:

see EVENTS page for info and registration.

Workshops or other events sometimes necessitate changes to tour schedule or provide additional tour opportunities.

Time permitting, we are willing to arrange special tours for schools, "farm camp" events, university and other groups with a minimum of 10 people.  We appreciate your understanding that we are usually not able accommodate inquiries for special farm visits & tours outside the monthly schedule.

How to Reserve a Farm Tour

Choose one of the tour dates listed above. Email us below with your name(s) and number in your party, phone number, and tour date requested. We will confirm the date is available and send payment instructions and directions.  Payment by PayPal or check will secure your spot (first-come, first-serve).  Farm tours have been popular and we need to limit to 10 people, so secure your spot early.

As Susana is off-grid without internet, contact us at least one week prior to your requested tour date to arrange. If you have specific interests, feel free to let us know.  If you are a farm apprentice, student or someone for which the tour fee represents a hardship, we can discuss and pre-arrange a barter or exchange.

Schedule Your Farm Tour

Thank you! We'll get back you soon

Salamander Springs Farm

Clear Creek, Rockcastle County

near Berea, Kentucky USA

(859) 893-3360‬


Salamander Springs Farm KY is off-grid without internet and not on Facebook.

(a Salamander Springs Farm in Georgia, USA has a facebook page). 

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news of the farm, events, workshops

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©2024 Salamander Springs Farm.

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