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Salamander Springs Farm Permaculture and Natural Building Systems

Links to learn more!

Overview of Permaculture and Natural Building Systems at Salamander Springs Farm:  Click on each topic to open a set of

educational workshop slides about Salamander Springs Farm systems and hands-on workshops.  


To scroll through slides at full size, click "toggle slideshow" icon in the top right corner.

Farming with Permaculture:  Slides from workshops given by Susana Lein Winter-Spring 2023.  Includes overview of permaculture principles and zoning methodology, with a focus on regenerative agriculture, soil health, permanent beds, hugelkultur, organic no-till with diverse "relay" cover crops earthworks like contour swales, and food forest.

No-till Cover Crop Strategies for Small Scale Farms:  Presentation slides of given by Susana Lein for 2024 Organic Association of Kentucky annual conference.  These slides replace similar no-till cover crop presentations by Susana in 2023 (OAK/EKFC conferences). OAK members can access videos of conference presentations.

A 3-hour no-till cover crop workshop at the 2024 OAK conference by Susana Lein and Jesse Frost is on YouTube  

Organic Association of Kentucky Field Day at Salamander Springs Farm, July 2022:  Summary & Resources


Workshop slides on Salamander Springs Farm Permaculture Systems until 2019 

Earlier powerpoint teaching slides by Susana detailing holistic permaculture farm systems through 2019. 

NO-TILL MARKET GARDEN PODCAST with Jesse Frost, January 2020, or listen on Youtube

Susana discusses no-till systems at Salamander Springs Farm and much more.​


No-Till Organic Relay Cropping in Kentucky, Ryan Maher, Cornell University, Small Farms Quarterly January 2018,

details the integrated no-till systems of dry beans, grains, cover crops and poultry at Salamander Springs Farm.


No-till Staple Crops in a Permaculture Production SystemSusana's workshop slides from Organic Association of Kentucky 2020

      Annual Conference, Louisville

NO-TILL MARKET GARDEN PODCAST with Jesse Frost, January 2020, or listen on Youtube

Susana discusses no-till systems at Salamander Springs Farm and much more.​


No-Till Organic Relay Cropping in Kentucky, Ryan Maher, Cornell University, Small Farms Quarterly January 2018,

details the integrated no-till systems of dry beans, grains, cover crops and poultry at Salamander Springs Farm.

Passive Solar Tiny House at Salamander Springs Farm:  

Principles and building methods.

Earthworks at Salamander Springs Farm
Contour swales, ponds, garden beds

Solar Dehydrator at Salamander Springs Farm
construction and function also shown in farm tour video 

Permaculture in Practice Workshops at Salamander Springs Farm
Hands-on practicums on farm systems

Clay Slip Straw Building workshops at Salamander Springs Farm


INHABIT film Susana and Salamander Springs Farm are featured in the award-winning internationally acclaimed permaculture documentary film, INHABIT, which premiered at the North American Permaculture Voices conference and the International Permaculture Convergence in London in 2015.  (Translated into 7 languages).

Earthen Floor Workshop at Salamander Springs Farm (one of first in Kentucky) 2008!


Susana's PERMACULTURE PODCASTS with Scott Mann:

  1. The Permaculture Podcast - 2015 - Episode 1538

  2. The Permaculture Podcast - 2016 - Episode 1620

  3. The Permaculture Podcast - 2018 - Episode 1806

Reflections on a tour of Salamander Springs Farm in Berea, KYTwo Wheels of Cheese: Harvesting Kindness on small farms across the Midwest (Wordpress), May 18, 2023

Field cover crops and soils: CRAFT farm tour

Granary, Grain Mill & Corn Crib construction and use.

Salamander Springs Farm Annual Corn Harvest & Husking Parties


Ideas from Salamander Springs, July 18, 2022:  solar dehydration, no till grain production, no-till cover crops, intercropping diversity, polyculture cornfield, low-input farming..

Carbon Farming: Yale Climate Connections Salamander Springs Farm in KY uses carbon-farming techniques to improve soil health and capture carbon..."

If you learned about Susana and Salamander Springs Farm through another site on the web that may be useful to others if linked on this site, feel free to let me know on the contact page.  As many know, the farm is off-grid and does not use social media.

-Sandra (website manager and long-time fan/customer of Salamander Springs Farm)

Salamander Springs Farm

Clear Creek, Rockcastle County

near Berea, Kentucky USA

(859) 893-3360‬


Salamander Springs Farm KY is off-grid without internet and not on Facebook.

(a Salamander Springs Farm in Georgia, USA has a facebook page). 

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