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Permaculture Design

Susana Lein offers 30 years of experience in designing, building, living and maintaining permaculture, natural building, and off-grid farming systems. Whether you are unsure of how to proceed or want specific advice, consultations are a critical long term investment tool to help you realize your goals and save resources, time and money.

30 Years of Experience


A professional background of designing unsustainable housing and office developments during the 1980s followed by 30 years experience in learning and practicing permaculture has given Susana a unique perspective on design consultations. She has found that the most resilient and effective designs are implemented over time by inhabitants living and working daily with the elements in an intentional, long-term relationship with the land. Obtained designs and master plans by an outside permaculture expert cannot replace an intimate understanding of the principles in place-based permaculture design—most importantly observing feedback from the land and adapting to change.


Asking the Right Questions


Susana firmly believes that the role of the permaculture consultant should be to mentor and guide this organic process, not to supersede it. We ask the right questions, make important observations and recommendations based on experience. We integrate key goals with site potential, and assessments of soil, water, vegetation, infrastructure, land use patterns, micro-climates/weather patterns, resource and energy streams (i.e. gravity, sun, wind, woody biomass, locally available resources). 


We generally ask you to obtain available Google and USGS topographical maps, property line survey, and when useful, soil tests and GIS maps. Besides saving you the expense of our services for obtaining this information, your knowledge and interaction with these important elements will be invaluable to your goal development and long-term decisions on road, infrastructure and earthwork and perennial plantings.  Likewise, it is invaluable to learn as much as possible about the history of your site and surrounding resources, watercourses, geology, soils, flora and fauna.


Consulting Services​


  • Site assessments before purchase of land

  • Site analysis and planning

  • Recommendations and solutions for specific issues and potential problem areas 

  • Conceptual design guidance and schematic base map development

  • Guidance and recommendations for projected goals and specific projects 

  • Practical strategies and guidance for implementation of permaculture systems, including: water and energy systems, passive solar design of structures, earthworks, ponds, water catchments, swales, microclimates, soil regeneration, food systems and no-till crop production practices.

  • Direction and leadership of "perma-blitz" installations and project workshops


What People Are Saying

With so many ideas that we had no idea where to begin, Susana provided clear priorities for our home build and site development. For both our home and farming systems, she was able to see clearly where our limitations and resources met, creating solutions that, while grounded in our ideals, were practical and, most importantly, felt possible. We feel like we are on the road home! Thank you, thank you! We will be sure to check in with Susana again as we grow! 

—  Bridgette A. & David P., Mississippi


Rates and Fees


On-site consultations require a $150 deposit. For travel distances of more than 60 miles, there is a half-day (4 hour) minimum fee of $100/hour, and over 150 miles is a full-day (8 hour) minimum. Follow-up phone consultations are often cost-effective in providing further guidance.


For clients at a distance, long-distance telephone consultations that do not require travel to your site can be helpful and more cost effective if you are able to provide good maps, photos and site data.


Travel over 20 miles is reimbursed at current year IRS mileage rate plus other direct expenses. Contact us for more information and other options. 

Want to Know More?

Reach out for more details, or to schedule a consultation.  Thank you!

Thanks for your message!


Salamander Springs Farm

Clear Creek, Rockcastle County

near Berea, Kentucky USA

(859) 893-3360‬



Salamander Springs Farm KY is off-grid without internet and not on Facebook.


(a Salamander Springs Farm in Georgia, USA has a facebook page). 

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